Own your content, earn passive income

Take your fitness business to the next level.

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Monetize your content

Monetize content you own and reach a broader audience on Mirra. Create new content anywhere with your phone, and we will take care of the rest. Build your app and your tribe on the Mirra and see your subscribers grow.

Immersive experience for your clients

With Mirra’s 43’’ LED screen and your customized playlist, your clients can get an immersive workout on-demand, just like training with you live. Happy clients are loyal clients. It’s a win win.

Train more clients, in less time

Save time by letting our smart algorithms help you personalize programs and guide your clients based on their data. Show up right when they need you. Minimal time investment, maximal result.

Grow your client base, scale your business

Offer exclusive live classes, Q&A sessions, or meetups to your members on mirra. Our Facebook group-like community forum allows your members to post  transformation pictures, ask questions and cheer each other on!

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